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Made Tom Cruise's Dream (Online Read)

How The Crowd First Way
Made Tom Cruise's Dream (Online Read)

Tom wasn’t peer pressured into do any of his stunts, that was back in the day.

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Tom wasn’t peer pressured into do any of his stunts, that was back in the day.

Nothing Out Of The Ordinary

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Driving extremely fast cars while handcuffed. Scaling the Burj Khalifa. Piloting helicopters. Being underwater for way too long. Riding motorcycles off cliffs.

All things I did last weekend.

No, not really. This is a list of the insane things that Tom Cruise does for his movies. And he is 60 years old. Yeah, 60. There is no doubt that everyone can see the dedication he has for his craft. Tom is happy to risk his life for a minute or two in the film to make the movie that much better for everyone watching.

Also, his stunt double has not been paid, and he has been sitting, watching, and learning from Tom each movie. He may be out of a job.

So what makes him do these death provoking stunts, and how can anyone be as impactful in anything as Tom has in the film industry?

Lil Stunt Man

Tom’s obsession with what he does today dates much further back then some Mission Impossible movies.

He always loved movies when he was younger. He would work jobs and immediately spend the cash on the movies. If he didn’t have the money he would find ways to sneak in or have someone get him in. He loved the different locations, the different people, and wanted to experience that for himself.

He grew a burning desire to make movies, and worked with what he had by making stories to tell to his friends and family. He even had a little stunt man in him when he tried to jump his bike over a bunch of trash cans he lined up, which went exactly how you would think an idea that a kid thinks is genius will go.

His new mission, which was actually possible, was to be able to travel the world, meet new people, and do that through film. Tom wanted to take all this love he had built up for movies, and give that to as many people as he could himself.

And that is exactly what he did.

How Does Tom Do His Stunts?

Tom loves what he does. You read that right. He loves scaling buildings, doing car chases, jumping off buildings, and any other insane thing you can insert here that he did. He finds every day on set exciting, rather than scary. But there’s one other driving factor that he has explained time and time again, besides just the love of the sport.

Interviewers would ask him again and again, why do you do what you do, as dangerous as it is?

And he always gives the same answer:

I want to make a better movie for the audience.

Listen to an interview or two. You can see as he talks about this, he can’t stop smiling.

He genuinely will do whatever it takes to make the movie as good as it can be. We live in an age of CGI, and here Tom is still doing what he does, at an age when most people are gearing up for retirement.

Don’t believe how obsessed he is?

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Opening Weekend

Tom loves the big screen. The new Mission Impossible movies were supposed to release on streaming services, and Tom told them to hold off for another 2 years to put it on the big screen. After all, that is the magical place where people go together to be immersed in a story. But it’s not just the average person who goes to the theater.

Because Tom goes too. To a public theater on opening weekend.

Sometimes people turn and look at him, snap some pictures, and then he will sign some autographs. Most actors, or anyone in their craft rather, shows their love if it this much. But Tom is right there with everyone else, looking around to see how everyone reacts to it.

Watching their faces as the movie plays out is the reward for him, because he knows what he is doing is working. When he was asked what it’s like having a gross of $10 billion in the box office, he said:

“First of all, it’s a reflection. I’m happy because it shows the audience really loves it. I make these for audiences. I make movies for audiences, and to see how much they enjoyed it.”

Removing You From The Equation

This is the secret sauce of Tom Cruise. The formula to his success. The way he was able to become, in Speilberg’s words, the man who “saved the movie industry.”

Putting everyone else first. Tom is clearly in love with this industry.

But equally as important, he is obsessed with giving the audience a movie experience they never forget. Imagine we all thought like this in all our endeavors.

A lot of the time the reason we don’t have the audience or attention we desire is because we can’t put ourselves in our audience’s shoes. We’re not doing it for them. We keep trying to say we are, but the people who really do it like Tom are the ones who mean it and are rewarded for it.

He gives the people what they want. Are you?

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And yeah, maybe Elon will call you baby too.


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