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How Psycho Cybernetics Tricks You Into Success (Online Read)

Don’t worry, cybernetics is the only big word you have to pronounce in this edition.


Don’t worry, cybernetics is the only big word you have to pronounce in this edition.

The Cosmetic Book Writer

Have you ever heard of Maxwell Maltz? Maybe you know him as a cosmetic surgeon.

But odds are, you know him better from his best-selling book “Psycho Cybernetics.”

If you don’t know who he is or haven’t read the book, well, you’re in for a treat. Because this is one of the biggest barriers to achieving anything you want in life.

And how do we know for sure that this works? Well, let’s take a look at what exactly we’re dealing with.

There’s No Difference

Ana looked in the mirror. She stared blankly, with no real expression other than what seemed to be a confused look in her eye.

She veered her eyes down towards her disfigured left cheek, from the car accident she was in a few years prior.

She was thinking. Thinking that if she wanted to be happy, her face had to look the way she wanted it to, not the way it looked. The way it used to look.

So she looked around for a cosmetics doctor. She searched and searched, and found someone by the name of Maxwell Matlz. He looked good enough, so she got surgery to fix her cheek.

And just like that, it was done. But there was a problem.

“There’s no difference,” she said to Maltz.

Maltz handed her the pictures of her scarring after the accident to compare as she looked in the mirror.

“Well I see a difference but I don’t feel any different,” she said. Maltz dug into her past, and found out years before the car accident that she felt ruined her face, the man she was going to marry ran off to marry someone else.

So she was left with an inner scar long before the physical one. One year later she remarried.


Now look, I’m not here to tell you to “look inside of yourself” and make this all woo woo. Actually, wait a minute. That might be where we’re headed.

Because we’re headed into the territory that, whether you believe it or not, runs your entire life, from the way you act to…well, the way you don’t act.

In Psycho Cybernetics, Maltz says,

“Your self-image is not a real thing. It is simply a construct of thoughts you chose to think about past experiences.

Your nervous system can’t tell the difference between imagination and reality: your brain doesn’t judge your thoughts — instead, it reacts automatically to what you think or imagines to be true.

This means, what you accept as truth about yourself has power over you, even if it’s not actually true.

Other people have hypnotized you throughout your life. You have also hypnotized yourself:

Thought plus feeling form mental images and create a strong impression in your mind.

While you may believe that your perceptions and reactions to your environment are entirely logical, you may be under the influence of unconscious biases that reinforce patterns of behavior that you would rather not engage in.”

So what do we get from this? We begin to understand you act in line with exactly how you think you're supposed to act.

Have you ever woken up and acted entirely different? A whole new personality? The reason most people don’t is because that stays consistent with their self-image.

The Subconscious

Let’s travel to your brain. Not the conscious part though. The one that is running the background, without you knowing it.

Quick, what’s 5+5? Mmmm. Did you do that? Or was that automatic? I’m gonna hope you didn’t pull out the calculator or really think on that one for a minute. That response was already built into your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious mind believes your self-image to be true and doesn’t question what your self-image programs it to do (like a calculator doesn’t care about the numbers you input). Therefore, your self-image dictates the limits of your accomplishments.

Maltz argues that no amount of willpower or positive thinking will change your results unless you make a conscious attempt to change your self-image and your beliefs.

Maltz argues that the first step to reprogramming your self-image is becoming conscious of whether you’re using your imagination constructively (to create positive thoughts and feelings) or deconstructively (to create negative thoughts and feelings).

To replace existing negative beliefs with new successful beliefs, you need to create equally strong impressions in your mind — that is, you need to create positive feelings of excitement and desire.

These positive feelings must outweigh your negative feelings so that your self-image can take notice of them and begin to accept them.

Biases Run Your Life

Everything is a bias. You have no idea these things are just operating in the background.

Even as I gave you this information telling you to replace negative beliefs with positive ones, you probably have biases popping up to shut that sh*t down.

So if you’re having trouble with stopping negative visualization, which in turn leads to a bad self-image, here’s my final piece of advice for you.

Maltz says focus on facts. Problem is, biases don’t care about facts.

For example, I gave presentations. They suck. I suck at them. I get up and I present, and damn do I present half decently. But when I’m done, all I can think about is everything that went wrong.

I stuttered at that part. I hesitated there. I was sweating way too heavy and everyone saw it. That’s what we call negativity bias.

Very similar to confirmation bias, where you ignore facts and cut right to your beliefs. Doesn’t matter if you did well during the presentation, because the only thing your mind can think about is how much you suck at presentations.

It’s built into your self image. So if you start flipping the script. You visualize all day.

Try making it good. “Even if it’s not realistic.”

Don’t let these biases run your life.

Don’t let your subconscious self-image cap your potential.

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