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How Over Obsession Earned Mr Beast 200 Million Subs (Online Read)

Jimmy said, when he dies, the last person with their hand of his grave wins the channel.

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Jimmy said, when he dies, the last person with their hand on his grave wins the channel.

Mr Beast Main Advantage

200 million people. That is 2% of the entire world.

That actually makes it sound smaller than the first number we brought up, but you get it. The world is big, and to even get to whole numbers (percentage-wise) of the Earth to see your content, is insanity.

A random shy kid, who had no interest in socializing. He just wanted to make YouTube videos. He did not have more money than his competition. He didn’t have more resources. None of that. But what he did have was one thing:

Over Obsession

To think Mr Beast could have been like most people, dabbled with YouTube on the side, and suppressed the fire he had within him is disheartening.

I mean we’re talking about the biggest YouTuber in the world, not becoming the biggest YouTuber in the world. But it could have happened.

Don’t Get Greedy

How was Mr. Beast obsessed though? In what ways did he show this obsession? 

Well, here are just a few.

From ages 13 to 19, he didn’t even talk to people. Every time he did, he would bring up YouTube, and people would tell him he was to obsessive with it, or that they just didn’t care.

Mr. Beast uploaded videos for 2 years before he even had 100k subscribers. He knew his videos could be better and they weren’t top-tier, but he kept publishing despite the lacking results at times.

He reinvested every $1 he had. Literally.

When he started making $1 a day off YouTube, he saved up every dollar until he could buy a mic. Then a computer or a monitor. He took the dividends, and instead of keeping them for himself, he put it back into making the videos better.

He didn’t care about losing money if it meant gaining growth for the YouTube channel in the long term. Mr. Beast has been giving away money for a long time, even if it was just tipping $10 to Twitch streamers or $100 to pizza delivery guys or gals.

When he got his first sponsor, they offered him $5,000. Instead of getting excited, agreeing, and taking the money, he got on a call with the guy for 3 hours convincing him to make it $10,000 so he can give it to a homeless person for a video.

They agreed, and it worked out.

Mr. Beast didn’t do anything other than YouTube. He skipped college classes. He didn’t drink or do a single drug. (This is recommended even when not going for your dreams).

“Just thinking about being a YouTuber one day was enough to keep me happy.”

“If you wake up and everyday you obsess over something and you live and breath it and that’s what you think about, that’s what you do, that’s what you study on and off, that’s what you stay up every night grinding, and no one else even gives a flying fuck about it, you just feel like a weirdo. We agreed not to drink, we didn’t do drugs, we didn’t date, we didn’t do anything. We just literally obsess from the time we woke up to the time went to bed. That’s literally all we did.”

Over Obsession

Enter Carl. Carl is part robot actually. Every night, he closes his eyes, pretends to fall asleep, and eventually, he actually does. He time travels to the morning as if it were Minecraft, and wakes up at 100% energy.

Carl yawns. He goes downstairs. He goes to class. Then he goes to his job. He gets home and works on some side stuff. He goes out with friends. He comes back home and hops on some video games with his online buddies.

0% battery.

Time to head to bed. He wakes up at 100%, and does it the next day.

Carl plugged himself into different outlets. School. Job. Friends. Games. He has a finite battery, and each thing drains it.

He can plug in wherever he wants, but he picks tons of different outlets, that really doesn’t give him a huge ROI. There aren’t any long-term gains to what he is plugging into.

Of course, if he were to put 100% of his charge into something daily, that would be 700% per week, and he could have something to show for it, but instead, there is nothing to boast about but high rank in Black Ops 2 and a dark matter skin camo, which is actually kinda sick.

Enter Jimmy

Jimmy is part robot too. He charges every night. He wakes up at 100% charge, just like Carl does. But Jimmy’s life is different. He channels everything into one outlet.

Instead of plugging into 20 outlets and giving 5% to each, he picks one outlet. YouTube. His favorite thing in the entire world. He gives that 100% of his charge.

In a few years time, Carl has nothing to really show. He still gave away his 100% energy daily, but there was just no yield. And how could there be? He was plugged into so many different outlets, with a finite amount of charge.

Jimmy though, had a thriving YouTube channel. He was getting paid big checks. He was following his passion. All the work had paid off. But how?

And why is that we all have the same battery percentage, but some people seem to “get more out of theirs.”

Too Many Outlets

Everything is an outlet. You’re plugging into it all. Every action, micro or macro, is you plugging into and agreeing to give some of your 100% charge away to that thing. This is an issue because we, like the robots in the analogy, have a finite charge. 

There is only so much that we can do in a day, in terms of both time and energy.

It’s just unfair that people like Jimmy get so far ahead in life ya know. We all have the same charge. We want it just as bad. But where we’re plugged in isn’t reflecting that.

Imagine a mess of wires. That’s you. Tangled, all over the place, and really easy to trip over. It’s disgusting, and it needs to be cleaned up or you need to hire some specialist to take a look at it. You say you want things, but the wires aren’t reflecting that.

Jimmy has one wire, one plug, and one outlet. And it was YouTube. This is over obsession. Being able to use the limited amount of charge you have upon waking and channeling all of it into one thing. Not half. Not a quarter.

Because other people are giving more than you. If you give 10%, and someone gives 100%, why is it fair you get treated the same? 

The Competition

If other people are plugging 100% of their charge into one outlet, how can you get what they got when you put in a quarter of that? It’s not possible.

You’re asking the universe to give you the results you want, but not the ones you deserve. And it doesn’t work like that. Imagine you went to your boss and said,

“Ya know Susy. I want my salary to be raised to hers. She makes $100k per year. I do 4x less work than her. I deserve a raise.”

You hear that. That silence from the boss. It’s because of how stupid it sounds.

No one would give a raise to someone who does 4x less work than Susy. If Susy gets paid $100k a year, why should someone who does less than her get paid the same.

The Moral

There was no other possible way Mr. Beast became the biggest YouTuber in the world if he plugged into other outlets. Do the research for yourself. YouTube was ALL he did. All day, everyday.

Even if you say it is lame. It is weird. You can’t compete with the guy. He chooses to put the 100% charge to one thing, while others are plugged into so many outlets it’s kinda suprising the whole circuit doesn’t short out.

So evaluate that wire placement. It’s a simple equation really. Where is your charge going throughout the day? If you say you want to be the biggest XYZ in the world, but you can only devote the last 10% battery you have left in you at the end of the day to that craft, how do you expect to get results? 

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