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How Iman's Slingshot Effect Made Him Millions (Online Read)

Note, you don’t need to buy or create a slingshot for this, just use your imagination.

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Note, you don’t need to buy or create a slingshot for this, just use your imagination.

The Upbringing

Iman Gadzhi is a 23 year old high school dropout, that was able to make millions of dollars through a social media marketing agency. Well, he didn’t drop out at 23. That wouldn’t be as much of a flex. He is 23 now though, and has achieved the millions, which is the impressive part.

He went on to make a software company, education company, and scale his channel to 3 million within 1 year. Not too bad.

But how on earth can someone so young be so far ahead of everyone else in life? How can someone not only be that ambitious but act on all of it?

Well, if you look really deep into the archives of Mr. Iman Gadzhi, he can and has admitted to 1 specific thing being the reason he has been able to get so far ahead in life.

The Slingshot

Let’s imagine a slingshot. We could be launching a rock, an Angry Bird, whatever it may be. Let’s just say it’s a rock.

You’re in a nice, lush field. All of the sudden, there it is. The perfect rock. The perfect curvature. The perfect shine. The aerodynamics. The other sciency words and adjectives that one could use. You walk over to it in awe, and pick it up.

You happily place it into the sling of your slingshot, and pull it back. The more you pull the slingshot back, the more tension is applied, and the further it’s going to go on release.

You figure this out quickly when the rock flops to the ground because you do a quick pull back. Then you try doing it a bit longer, but it still doesn’t go as far as you want it to.

Your buddy Carl says, “You know if you pull it back as long as possible, it will make it all the way to the woods over there?”

No chance you think to yourself. There’s no way I could make it go that far. But what the hell, I’ll give it a go. You load the rock, look towards the woods with determination, and pull back the sling as hard as you can. The tension is so strong you feel like the band is about to snap, but you maintain control.

Whoosh. You watch it soar through the air, faster than a passing car.

”Where did it go?” Carl asked. You both aren’t sure, but you hear it hit a tree in the woods. Bingo.

The Analogy

So Iman was not actually shooting rocks off slingshots with his buddy Carl, just to clear that up. This is for the beauty of the analogy.

There is a loading phase and a let go phase.

he more you pull back the slingshot, the more tension is applied. This is where you’re in control and you can steer the ship.

Then there is the let go phase, where relax and let things take their course.

For us humans, it’s the same thing. The more effort you can put in the loading phase, the further you can go.

There are people letting go of the slingshot every single day, metaphorically (unless you actually slingshot rocks on a daily basis). They’re watching Netflix, or having a beer.

There are others who do it weekly. They do good things the whole week but eat horrible foods and go out at night on the weekends.

So how in the world does this relate to Iman? Well, he attributes all his success to being able to keep pulling back the slingshot for as long as possible, while everyone else is rushing to release all that tension as soon as they can.

Increasing The Tension

Iman was pulling back the slingshot from a young age. From ages 14 to 17, he was reading a book a week. This was a religious priority for him.

From 14 to 17, he was going to the gym 4-6x per week. Meditation was a huge priority for him. 10 minutes per day, no excuses.

Iman was stacking these habits on top of each other, so it made sense that when he found a business model that worked, he was able to destroy it (in a good way, of course) because he set the right foundations.

Iman went from simply flipping Instagram accounts, making $2,500 on his best month, to 2 years later owning an agency that pulled $250,000-$300,000 months.

But how can I do the same? I want $250,000 months. I know you do, but we are not quite there yet. Let’s keep going with this concept.

Your Time Horizon Is F#@ked

People think your life is the way it is because of the way you acted yesterday. Or the way you acted last week. It’s not.

It’s in correlation to what you did 3 months ago. 3 years ago. The time span goes further back then you think.

You reap the rewards of good habits way later on. You don’t get buff from a gym session. You don’t become a monk after a 10 minute meditation.

If that were the case most people who stuck with a habit for one day would be a mix of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Buddha.

This is the equivalent to pulling back the slingshot. To be reading, meditating, and doing deep work while others are telling you to party. When you could be doing anything else, you choose to be doing the thing you know will bring you benefits.

You could argue you don’t want to get rid of those things, that you need to have that in your life, and so on. And that’s completely fine. But if you are not where you want to be in 5 years time, you may change your mind about that. You may realize that although you had fun, you set yourself up later in life than you would like.

You can’t say you want to be this higher achiever, then contradict everything by avoiding the lifestyle with every action you take.

Everything Matters

This Iman Gadzhi concept puts one thing into full perspective:

Everything you do matters.

The reason most people don’t get where they want to get to in life, is because they treat every choice like it doesn’t really matter. Most things are not thought out. No one plans their day. They miss a few good habits, so what? They go out and party, so what? They watch a movie and binge a show every night, who cares? Who are you hurting?

You. You’re hurting a better version of you. Iman could be anywhere else in life right now. I mean, how easy is it to just let go of the slingshot? There are so many ways to do it. Iman could have just never tried to start the business, never focused on himself, relaxed a lot, party, scroll on social media. It would only take a few distractions for him to never reach his full potential.

But because he was able to pull back that slingshot, he launched further than the rock that hit that tree. A lot further actually. So just ask yourself if you’re willing to do that. Because everything in life has a price, and it’s a bit foolish for us to thing our dreams are the cheapest item on the list.

It’s the most expensive. And there’s tax. And shipping and handling. And it’s shipping across the universe so it’s quite a bit of change, and it’s not like same day Amazon shipping.

So here’s what you have to do, right now. And yes I mean right now. If you don’t, I will be forced to be upset. Write out what your slingshot is. That is the dream you want. Describe the life. Visualize it. Feel it.

Now figure out the tension. That is the work. The reading. The habits.

Now figure out the ways you let go of the slingshot. Drinking. Partying. Binging. Scrolling.

Ask yourself: “Am I willing to stop letting go of my slingshot in these ways, in order to launch myself into my ideal life?”

If the answer is yes, congratulations, you’re on your way to some great success. If the answer is no, then go enjoy yourself. Let go of the slingshot. But don’t look at people who pulled theirs back for years and be jealous, because you chose not to do it yourself.

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And yeah, maybe Elon will call you baby too.


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