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How Floating Became Joe Rogan's Obsession (Online Read)

And pot, can't forget to mention pot. That was pair with his floating.

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And pot, can't forget to mention pot. That was paired with his floating.

Float Addiction

For those who know Joe Rogan, you may have heard that he likes float tanks.

From his podcast episode with a person. Or the one with that other person. Or the other person. Or from his Instagram. The man is basically a walking advertisement for these sensory deprivation tanks. The question is, why?

Is it really that life changing? That people who get can get sober using this, yet basically still be on an addictionless drug? Is this the new physcaedlics? Is this a new form of god mode meditation?

Well before we answer, please stop asking that many questions.

The Tank

The float tank was in fact, not created by Joe Rogan.

It was made by Dr John C. Lilly in 1954.

Lilly was a neuroscientist, psychoanalyst, writer, and inventor. The you hop in the tank, the water is the same temperature as your skin.

The air is the same temperature as the water, and there are thousands of pounds of Epsom salts to make you float. The idea of the float tank came when he realized the best way to really tap into human consciousness:


Yup, nothing. Think about it. Actually, don’t.

That’s the opposite point. The goal of this was to cut off everything, so you would have no external stimuli.

Just you and the tank. And what he got out of it was out of this world. Quite literally, actually.

Lilly claims to have communicated with other entities, that he calls “Solid State Entities.”

He said he traveled to other dimensions, had out-of-body experiences, replayed memories, and gone through personal insights and realizations. Clearly, this thing is no joke, and it shows the power that doing nothing can have. Lilly isn’t the only one to experience this though.

Rogan has too.

Here’s Joe’s experience.

Rogan’s Jungle Tribe Experience

Our story starts with Joe in the jungle.

“That’s odd,” Joe thought to himself. He was surrounded by people.

They wore Western clothes. T-shirts. Barefoot. Joe could smell the rain. He could feel the moisture in the air. He could see the leaves all around him. He could hear the sounds of the forest.

“Instuhewer erhuje dsfhj sddf” one of them said to Joe.

“Mmmm, makes sense,” Joe thought.

These people were speaking an entirely different language. Yet Joe understood it. He only speaks English, but he knew every word they were saying.

In all fairness, he ends this story by saying he took edible pot before he got in. Would be nice to note that. But that doesn’t mean there are not borderline psychedelic experiences through these float tanks.

Joe says, “It’s one of the best ways to achieve a psychedelic state without any drugs.”

So let’s get into the “I’m not gonna smoke pot before I go into this tank” benefits.

This is a complete shut-off from reality.

Most people don’t ever experience this. The closest thing we get to it is going to sleep, but we don’t reap the benefits of the float tank.

Of course, we reap the benefits of sleep which are more important, but you get my point.

It is pitch black in the tank. There are no sounds. It is you floating for an hour or two or three. You lose sense of your body, which leaves you only with the mind. This leaves you with your thoughts, your future ambitions, your memories, your beliefs. You have nothing to do but confront these things.

And that is where the real benefit comes into play.

Mental Gains

Meet Joe. Joe is average. He’s your average Joe.

Joe never questions his beliefs. He never ponders much.

He never goes into deep thinking about why he does the things he does. He just keeps on moving through life, letting things happen, then forgets about them.

He loops the same day over and over, and never deeply explores the infinite depths of his mind.

Joe is you. Joe is me. Joe is like most people because he’s average.

Even the most introspective people most likely have not gone as deep as they think if they have never done some sort of isolation. Some scheduled practice is where they get the body still and focus on what is happening internally.

If you are interested in float tanks, Joe Rogan and The Dinner Party will soon partner up to create float tanks to give away to everyone. But for now, the production of these 8 billion float tanks is 1% done with an expectancy of 80 years for the pre-order. So hang in there.

So for now, call up a local place. But here’s something cool.

You don’t actually need one to start experiencing some of these insane benefits. Mindfulness can be the first step to this. Sit and focus on your breath. Just watch your thoughts. Don’t resist them, just let them pass by.

You will notice that doing nothing is surprisingly the greatest thing you can do. Because that is where the real insights come from.

Most of us in the self-help space go looking for YouTube videos from our millionaire idols. Their advice is probably good. But you know who gives the best advice tailored to your own situation?


Because you are the one who has context for your entire life. You know your problems and your struggles, and the answers to them. Stop looking to the Internet for wisdom. The greatest philosophers didn’t have these things, yet we look up to them for how wise they were. Where do you think that came from?

All from deep thought, which all starts with you being able to sit and just do nothing, like Joe (Rogan, not the average one).

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